
Showing posts from October, 2018

Information Technology Topic To Report On

Information technology is an interesting topic to discuss about. IT is stand for Information Technology and it is being pronounced as separated letter. It is not only a computer and networks, instead it is layering of systems in organization which is included physically hardware, storage, databases, operating system, etc. Simply, Information Technology is the technology which is being used to store, exchange, apply and create information. With what we are having nowadays, we all know the direction the world is heading in the next few years, or in another way of saying is how the world is going to be in the future. So somehow, we are aware of the importance of Information Technology in our daily life. Without it, the society wouldn’t have been as convenient and smart as the one we are living in today. We can use IT to enable working from home and not having to stay at the office all the time which makes the work become easy, flexible and capable. Moreover, it can also bring job oppo...

What Happen To Journalism

Journalism is the activity which includes all gathering, processing, creating, informing news and information from the sources to the readers. It refers to production of reports on recent events or problems which are social concerning. Journalism has various forms throughout centuries: newsreels, handwriting, print, television, radio and now is the Internet. Moreover, the true journalism has been dying day by day since social media and fake news increasing every day. Nowadays, our world is developing and becoming smarter, virtual world has strong growth and popular as the rise of the user demand. People tend to look up on the phone every time, they spend their day chatting and reading tabloids to entertain their personal life, journalism is in very danger. How can readers know where to trust? Which sources do the writer of those tabloids use to create news? Frankly, we can’t deny the fact that what we are using to entertain today is not trustworthy because instead of informing the au...

Web Pages

As the world is now developing and heading to a technologically advanced society, World Wide Web has become one of the most valuable and helpful tools in our working environment as well as our daily life. It is an information space in which include types of documents and sources by the Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). World Wide Web allows different documents connect to each other’s by the hypertext links which are typically activated by mouse clicks, key press or touching screen in order to enable the user look up for the information they need. Without World Wide Web, there wouldn’t be Internet or even Web Pages that we are using today. Web Pages are text documents or may even contain images, video, audio which is formatted and annotated with HTML in the user’s web browser as coherent pages of multimedia content. HTML is stand for Hypertext Markup Language that is known for the standard markup language for creating Web pages. HTML describes the structure of Web Pages using the mark...

The Differences Between Mail And Email

Mail is also known as postal mail or snail mail because it takes such a long time to transport and deliver to the recipients. Basically, mail is a hard copy piece of communication which is placed inside an envelope. In the middle front of the envelope is where name and address of whom you wish to read the message placed. The address is included with information about apartment or house number, street name, city, state or province and the zip or postal code. In the upper left corner of the envelopes is the return address (your address) in case if there is any delivery mistakes or wrong sending address, the mail will be sent back to you for free. Also, in the upper right corner of the envelope is where the stamp is placed. You can find the stamps at any post office and it’s required for a mail to be sent. After getting all things done, drop your mail at your mailbox or in a blue collection box or you can also take it to the post office; postal mail will be collected and sent to the p...

What Do You Want To Get Out From This Class

Even though I chose finance to be my major, therefore, computer science has always been one of my interest. As the world is developing to be smarter and smarter every day, personally I think that getting to know about how virtual world works is extremely important because we have to adapt new technology everyday so that we can be updated and not being fall back behind. Let take World Wide Web as an example, World Wide Web has become the most important and well-known tools in our living and working life because it connects and relates to our daily life closely. We are at least once time a day have an intercom with World Wide Web. And maybe tomorrow there will be a tool or a product that going to affect our community in a more effective and productive way. This is a good thing about the virtual world, it always getting new update every day and if we are not hopping on the train of innovative on time we might be left behind. Throughout this course, I believe I will be able to understand...