Extra Credit - 1000 True Fans
1000 true fans is a really great business
idea by Kevin Kelly. True fans here are people who will always likely to buy
your product. And with specific number of true fans it can be easy to have a steady
income. Moreover, it will be not too difficult to calculate what your income
might be. 1000 true fans focus on quality instead of quantity. If you have a
certain amount of “true fans” that would always come back to you when you have
new product, then it is way better than when you have a lot of people buying
your product at first but then they never come back again. Let take Apple for
example, Apple company is currently a company having the biggest number of “true
fans” we can see it by their product selling record. They are known as “Apple
fans”, Apple fans are more likely to change or upgrade their new phone every
year when new product come out. And no matter how many bad review or criticism articles
about Apple new product, the true fans will always support and buying the
product. This apply to “Samsung fans” or any other brand. There are no right or
wrong with this. The reason here is people can choose any product or brand that
they like and become a fan of it, it just going to depend on their personal
perspective on the product. The way to have true fans to always support you is
you have to build an authentic relationship with them by connecting directly
with them. Moreover, is to show them your real value, when people understand all
of these components then they will become your true fan.
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